Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

Why work with EdensSite?
To allow you to get out in the field with the people, building your business! We strive for excellence in all that we do to assist.
I am ready to get started. Now what?

Give us a call! We want to TALK with YOU, learn about you, your business and your goals so that we can share how we can help YOU! Already know what you want, submit our New Client Registration (Link the New Client Registration Form to the words “New Client Registration”). We will reply when we receive the form! *Although technology is a great tool, it’s sometimes not quite reliable. If for any reason you don’t hear from us within 24 hours, please email us, or call 207-399-4628.

Once I get started, how long is my commitment?

There is no commitment. We are confident you’re going to love working with us and delegating your needs to us. Should a life circumstance comes up and you need to cancel or pause services, please just let us know as soon as you can so that we can cancel your services. There is no fee to cancel or pause service. You are 100% responsible for any work completed up to the point you cancel or pause.

Can I add onto my services?
YES! We are very flexible! Contact us with your request and we will handle the rest.
How does billing work?

We provide services up front and send an invoice vial email at the end of each calendar month. Your debit/credit card you provide in your registration form will be automatically charged during the 15th-21st of the following month. Example services in April are billed mid May during the week of the 15th-21st.

Do you offer referral credits?
YES! For each referral who uses your name, you will receive a $20 Credit! There are NO LIMITS to your referral credits. Start spreading the word and your bill could be FREE!
Have another question?
We’re here, happy to help and want to hear from you. Please contact us to discuss your individual needs & address any questions you may have.